Saturday, June 2, 2007

Twirly Skirts revamped

After visiting a recommended website for instructions, Madison and I picked from my 'sewing closet' a fabric to make her 'twirly skirt.' I tweaked the pattern a little bit as I didn't want her skirt to look like a 'pillowcase dress gone south'. I gave the pattern a bit more contour by putting more fabric into the bottom and cutting less around the waist. Here's the result! Now Madison can actually swirl 180 degrees if she chooses to spin like a top. I'll get a picture of her wearing it...very nicely fitted with a slight elasticized waist and a naturally recurring drape or flounce all the way around her hem. Madison LOVES it because she got to choose from THE closet all the 'pretty stuff' that went into making it!
Value of material - $1.00 per yard (1.25 yards used)
Value of ribbons, rick-rack - $1.00 per package of 25 ribbons with 9 ribbons/rickrak used from package
Total time spent chosing material, trims and sewing - 2 hours
Value of Madison's lovely smile adorned with twinkly blue eyes - PRICELESS!
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